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First-Time Home Buyer's Tax Credit
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Line 31270 Home Buyers' Tax Credit (HBTC)

Note: Before tax year 2019, line 31270 was line 369.

Income Tax Act s. 118.05

Home Buyers' Tax Credit - Basics

Qualifying Home for the Home Buyers' Tax Credit

Specified Person / Persons With Disabilities

Eligibility for the Home Buyers' Tax Credit

First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit Year of Acquisition

First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit - Home Received as Gift

Who Claims the Home Buyers' Tax Credit?

Provincial First-Time Home Buyers' Credits Resources

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Resources

Home Buyers' Tax Credit - Basics

A non-refundable tax credit was enacted as part of the 2009 Federal Budget, based on an amount of $10,000 ($5,000 for taxation years prior to 2022, increased by federal 2022 Budget) for first-time home buyers who acquire a qualifying home after January 27, 2009.  The home is considered to be acquired once it is registered in your name in accordance with the land registration system or other similar system applicable where it is located (in Canada).  The year of acquisition is the year in which the tax credit can be claimed.  If you missed claiming this credit in the year of acquisition, you can file an adjustment to your tax return.  See our article on Changing Your Tax Return.

The tax credit is based on a maximum of $10,000 per qualifying home.

Qualifying Home for the Home Buyers' Tax Credit

A qualifying home means:

  1. a housing unit located in Canada, or
  2. a share of the capital stock of a cooperative housing corporation, the holder of which is entitled to possession of a housing unit located in Canada

A qualifying home is one that is acquired, jointly or otherwise, if:

  1. the home is acquired by the individual or their spouse/common-law partner and
    1. the individual intends to inhabit the home as a principal place of residence not later than 1 year after acquisition
    2. the individual did not live in a home that was owned, jointly or otherwise, by them or their spouse/common-law partner, in the calendar year of the home purchase or in any of the 4 preceding calendar years, or
  2. the home is acquired by the individual for the benefit of a "specified person" in respect of the individual, and
    1. the individual intends that the home be inhabited by the specified person as a principal residence not later than 1 year after acquisition, and
    2. the purpose of the acquisition of the home by the individual is to enable the specified person to live in
      1. a home that is more accessible by the specified person or in which the specified person is more mobile or functional, or
      2. an environment better suited to the specified person's personal needs and care.

Specified Person / Persons With Disabilities

This means the individual, or a person who is related to the individual, if they are eligible for the disability tax credit in the year the home is acquired. In this case, the individual does not have to be a first-time home buyer.

Eligibility for the Home Buyers' Tax Credit

To be eligible for this credit, you must not have lived in another home owned by you or your spouse or common-law partner in the calendar year of the home purchase or in any of the four preceding calendar years.

The Canadian Tax Calculator includes the first-time home buyers' tax credit.

Tax Tip:  If you previously owned a home that you did not live in (e.g., you rented it out), you may still qualify for the tax credit.

First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit Year of Acquisition

The home is considered to be acquired in the taxation year in which the home is registered in the name of the individual.  As per s. 118.05(2) of the Income Tax Act, "an individual is considered to have acquired a qualifying home only if the individual's interest (or for civil law, right) in it is registered in accordance with the land registration system or other similar system applicable where it is located.  Tax Interpretation 2010-0357201E5 addresses the situation where a condo buyer occupies the condo in one tax year but is not registered as the legal owner until the subsequent tax year.  The HBTC is not available until the subsequent tax year.

First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit - Home Received as Gift

Note that if a home is gifted to a person, as long as all other requirements are met, the person can still qualify for the home buyers' tax credit.  The person who gifted the home is deemed to have disposed of it, and may have to report a capital gain.

See Gifting a Capital Property is a Disposition.

Who Claims the Home Buyers' Tax Credit?

Income Tax Act s. 118.05(4)

The credit can be claimed by the individual who acquires the home, or by the spouse or common-law partner of that individual, or can be split between spouses.

This is confirmed by Tax Interpretation 2011-0394311E5 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit.

Provincial First-Time Home Buyers' Credits

Nova Scotia First-Time New Home Buyers' HST Rebate

Saskatchewan First-Time Homebuyers' Tax Credit

Quebec First-Time Homebuyers' Tax Credit beginning in 2018 Resources

First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) to fund part of your purchase

GST/HST Rebate for New Housing and Substantial Renovations

Home Renovation Tax Credits

Federal and Provincial Programs for Home Buyers / Home Owners

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Resources

Line 31270 Home Buyers' Amount

First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit (HBTC)

First-time home buyers: The path to homeownership

Revised: February 20, 2025


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