Home -> Federal Budget -> COVID-19 Financial Relief for CanadiansCOVID-19 Financial Relief and ResourcesWe normally do all TaxTips.ca articles in-house. However, it's not possible for us to keep up with the rapidly changing COVID-19 financial relief provided by governments. For this reason, we're mostly providing links to other organizations with more resources, who have been diligent in keeping others educated about the various benefits being provided. We applaud them for doing such a good job! Latest Changes to Federal COVID-19 BenefitsBusinessesCanada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) for Employers - extended to May 7, 2022, as are:
Local Lockdown Program: Proposal to expand access by 1 month until March 12, 2022. IndividualsNotices of Redetermination (NoRs) re CERB and other recovery benefits sent to taxpayers Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit (CWLB) February 9, 2022: Proposal to expand access to Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit by 1 month until March 12, 2022. Dec 30, 2021 News Release: Affected Canadian workers in newly designated lockdown regions can apply for the benefit today. Payments will be retroactive to Dec 19, 2021.
Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) - extended to May 7, 2022 TopicsCOVID-19 Support Measures Announced October 2021COVID-19 October 2021 Updates - Businesses and Individuals - on the Video Tax News website Government announces targeted COVID-19 Support measures - on bakertilly website
See how much the COVID-19 costs (federal only, doesn't include provincial) will increase the interest-bearing debt of Canada for every adult and child. Could this have been avoided? Parliamentary Budget Office COVID-19 Analysis COVID-19 Payments for Seniors on OAS/GIS COVID-19 Payments for Canadians with Disabilities Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) Minimum Withdrawals - Canada Recovery Benefits - CRB, CRSB, CRCB Bill C-2 Student Benefits, Canada Summer Jobs 2020 Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) for Workers including - Government change of heart re self-employed CERB recipients - Government to reimburse self-employed who repaid CERB - T180 CERB reimbursement application for self-employed individuals Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) - Extended to October 23, 2021, CRSB & CRCB extended to May 7, 2022. Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) Clawback 2020 COVID-19 Benefits repaid in 2021 - how to deduct on your 2020 tax return COVID-19 Benefits - T4A Tax Slip Errors Financial Institutions COVID-19 Support for Individuals Additional T4 Reporting for 2020 - to help validate payments under CEWS, CERB and CESB Business Financial SupportsInnovation Canada - Find COVID-19 support and other programs and services for your business Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) for Employers, and 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) for Employers Taxation of and Accounting for Forgivable Loans (CEBA and CECRA) Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS), Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) Business Resilience Service Hotline for small business owners Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) - available until June 2021 Phone Calls to & From Canada Revenue Agency General COVID-19 Resource Links Provincial/Territorial COVID-19 Supports and Information Tax Return Due Date, Tax Payment DeferralsThe 2019 personal tax return deadline is extended to June 1, and tax balances and instalments may be deferred till September 1st without interest or penalties. However, if you are expecting a refund, or if you receive or will receive the GST/HST credit, Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) or Canada Child Benefit (CCB), or other income-tested benefits (e.g. BC Pharmacare, for which you must register), it's best to file your return as soon as possible. Update July 27, 2020: The payment due date is extended from September 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020 for current year individual, corporate, and trust tax returns, including instalment payments. Penalties and interest will not be charged if payments are made by the extended deadline of September 30th. This includes the late-filing penalty as long as the return is filed by September 30th. The July 27th CRA announcement also indicates that interest is being waived on existing tax debts related to individual, corporate and trust income tax returns from April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020, and for GST/HST returns from April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Important: However, if 2019 individual tax returns are not received and assessed by early September 2020, estimated benefits and/or credits will stop in October 2020 and individuals may have to repay the amounts that were issued as of July 2020. Businesses can also defer payment of any income tax amounts that become owing on or after March 18 and before September 2020, to September 1, 2020 (now September 30th, as per July 27th update). This applies to tax balances due as well as instalments, under Part I of the Income Tax Act. This does not apply to remittances of payroll or other withholdings. These are amounts that are collected on the government's behalf by businesses, so the funds do not belong to the business. Update: GST/HST remittances can be deferred until June 30, 2020, but not GST filings. However, CRA won't impose penalties where a return is filed late, as long as it's filed by June 30th. Make sure that you can pay the GST/HST on June 30th. The director(s) of the company are personally liable for unpaid GST/HST. See Video Tax News Indirect Tax During COVID-19 with David Crawford, Partner, Indirect Tax from RSM Canada. Among other things, they talk about reviewing past payments to look for overpaid indirect taxes that could be recovered. COVID-19 Payments for SeniorsOn May 12, the Prime Minister announced a one-time tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for Old Age Security Pension (OAS), with an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). This means, of course, that high-income seniors will also be receiving the $300 additional OAS payment. However, although the PM indicated it will be tax-free, we'll have to wait for the legislation to see if it will be clawed back. GIS and Allowance payments will be temporarily extended if seniors' 2019 income information has not yet been assessed. Seniors eligible to receive the OAS or GIS in June 2020 will receive the tax-free payment. As per a June 4, 2020 announcement, the payment will be received during the week of July 6th. COVID-19 Payments for Canadians With DisabilitiesUpdate October 23, 2020: It's not too late to become eligible for this benefit by applying for the disability tax credit (DTC). Applications must be submitted by December 31. As the October 23, 2020 press release points out, being eligible for the DTC can also provide eligibility for benefits or increased benefits such as the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Canada Workers Benefit (CWB), and the Child Disability Benefit. Update June 5, 2020: Canadians who are certificate holders of the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) as of June 1, 2020 will receive a one-time tax-free payment of up to $600. The payment will be reduced by the one-time tax-free payments for seniors eligible for OAS and GIS. The payment will be received automatically by those eligible. Bill C-20, which included provisions relating to this payment, received Royal Assent July 27, 2020. The June 5th announcement also indicated that a National Workplace Accessibility Stream would be established to help people with disabilities find and keep a good job. For more on this see the June 6th news release from Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough. She also announced an additional $1.1 million to support national disability organizations through the Social Development Partnership Program - Disability Component, to enhance their communications and engagement activities to better address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons with disabilities. Update July 8, 2020: Bill C-17 includes provisions for CEWS and CERB as well as for the one-time payment for persons with disabilities. When the House of Commons met both on June 10th and July 8th, the government had the opportunity to separate the disability payment legislation from the rest of the Bill so that this portion could receive Royal Assent immediately. It chose not to do this because it wanted the entire bill to be approved without changes. If you'd like a little light reading about this, you can review the Hansard and search (ctrl-f) the web page for C-17 or disabilities. The House of Commons does not sit again now until July 22nd, so this is the earliest date that the payment might be approved. The government has given no indication of how long the payment will take once Bill C-17 receives Royal Assent. It now appears that Bill C-17 has been scrapped, with the disability payment provisions included in July 17, 2020 draft legislation. Update July 17, 2020: Disability Payments Expanded EligibilityThe $600 one-time tax-free non-reportable payment will now be provided to Canadians with disabilities who are recipients of any of the following programs or benefits: - a disability tax credit certificate provided by CRA; - Canada Pension Plan disability benefit or Quebec Pension Plan disability benefit; and - disability supports provided by Veterans Affairs Canada Update July 27, 2020: Canadians with disabilities who are eligible for the disability tax credit but have not yet applied, will have a 60-day window of opportunity to do so after Bill C-20 Royal Assent, which was received July 27, 2020. This gave people until September 25, 2020 to apply for the disability tax credit. The payment will be reduced by the one-time tax-free payments for seniors eligible for OAS and GIS. Eligible clients will start receiving the disability payments on October 30, 2020. Tax Tip: Apply for the disability tax credit if you qualify for it. Goods and Services Tax Credit (GSTC)A one-time special payment by the end of April 2020 will double the maximum annual payment amounts for the GST/HST credit for the 2019-20 benefit year. The additional payment will be made in April to individuals eligible for the GSTC, as well as to some who are not eligible for the regular GSTC. This will be based on 2018 tax returns that have been filed. See CRA's COVID-19 Increase to the GST/HST credit amount. Canada Child Benefit (CCB)It is proposed to increase the maximum annual Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment amounts, for only the 2019-20 benefit year, by $300 per child, as part of the May 2020 payment. Families who do not receive CCB may get a partial payment, depending on their income. This will be based on 2018 tax returns that have been filed. See the Video Tax News COVID-19 Economic Response Plan - Legislative Update - March 25, 2020 for more details. RRIF Minimum Annual WithdrawalsThe amount of mandatory minimum withdrawal from a RRIF in 2020 is reduced by 25%. This was announced by the federal government and the Quebec government. To determine your minimum withdrawal, calculate the usual minimum and then multiply by 75%. The age of the RRIF holder does not matter. Note: Tax will only be withheld from withdrawals that are in excess of the original unreduced minimum amount. See Economic Statement - New Measure for Annuitants of Registered Retirement Income Funds. Digital Signatures on T183Effective immediately, Canada Revenue Agency is accepting digital signatures on the T183 and T183CORP. These forms are normally signed in person every year to authorize tax preparers to file taxes. Canadians Outside CanadaEmbassies and consulates by destination COVID-19: Financial help for Canadians outside Canada Service Canada COVID-19 Information COVID-19 LegislationBill C-9, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy) was tabled on November 2, 2020 and received Royal Assent November 19, 2020, providing the legislation for CERS, and changes to CEWS. For a good summary of the legislation see the Video Tax News Summary. Bill C-4, An Act Relating to Certain Measures in Response to COVID-19 Tabled September 28, 2020 replacing Bill C-2, Royal Assent October 2, 2020 - enacts the Canada Recovery Benefits Act to enact payments of CRB, CRSB and CRCB. - amends the Canada Labour Code to, among other things, amend the reasons for which an employee is entitled to take leave related to COVID-19, and the number of weeks of that leave that an employee may take for each of those reasons. - gives the government spending authority to spend an additional $17.1 billion from October to December, for specific measures. This by way of amendment to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act. Bill C-2, An Act Relating to Economic Recovery in Response to COVID-19 Tabled September 24, 2020, passed first reading, re 3 new benefits to replace CERB. News release. Bill C-20, An Act Respecting Further COVID-19 MeasuresTabled July 20, 2020, Bill C-20 received Royal Assent July 27, 2020. Update July 17, 2020: It now appears that Bill C-17 will be scrapped, as most of it is included in Bill C-20 tabled July 20, 2020. Amendments to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) Act have been excluded from the new legislation. Bill C-17, An Act Respecting Additional COVID-19 Measures- passed First Reading June 10, 2020, House of Commons now adjourned until Wednesday, July 22, 2020, when the federal economic update will be presented. - includes provision that would allow a one-time payment to adults and children with disabilities. - revises eligibility for Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy - amends the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) Act Bill C-15, Canada Emergency Student Benefit Act- received Royal Assent May 1, 2020 - Regulations are also available from the above link. The Regulations determine the amount of the benefit, and the maximum number of weeks for which a student may receive the benefit. See Student Benefits below for information provided by the Department of Finance. Bill C-14, COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2- re Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) - received Royal Assent April 11, 2020 - Canada Emergency Response Benefit Act and Regulations - Regulations Amending the Income Tax Regulations (COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Initiatives) - Eligible Entities Prescribed for COVID-19 Wage Subsidy - Deemed Remittance Bill 13, COVID-19 Emergency Response Act- received Royal Assent March 25, 2020 - implements measures re - creation of Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) Act to authorize income support payments to workers for loss of income related to COVID-19. - creation of Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act to allow payment of "all money required to do anything in relation to that public health event of national concern". This Act is automatically repealed September 30, 2020. - Amendments to many other acts. Student Benefits- Student financial assistance for fall 2020 - proposal to change the Canada Student Loan Program's eligibility requirements in 2020-21 to allow more students to qualify for supports. Non-repayable Canada Student Grants will be doubled in the coming academic year. Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)- for those ineligible for CERB or EI, and unable to find full-time employment or unable to work due to COVID-19. CESB would provide $1,250 per month for eligible students from May to August 2020, and $1,750 for students with dependants and those with permanent disabilities. Application process ended on September 30, 2020. CESB enquiries phone line is 1-833-966-2099. Note that this benefit and CERB, CRB, CRSB and CRCB, are not classified as employment income, so are not eligible for the exemption when calculating GIS benefit amounts. See Additional T4 Reporting for 2020 - in order to help validate payments under the CESB. See Video Tax News Canada Emergency Student Benefit Application Process and CRA Canada Emergency Student Benefit Opened June 25, 2020: Canada Student Service Grant will provide up to $5,000 to support student's post-secondary education costs in the fall, for students who take part in national service activities. See Video Tax News - PM's Update - Student Support - opened June 25, 2020, which also addresses paid work placements which are available. Canada Student Loans and Grants - International students: for students working in an essential service or function, the restriction that allows international students to work only a maximum of 20 hours per week while classes are in session will be removed. Federal Government Information: Support for Students and Recent Graduates Impacted by COVID-19 CRA Education Planning and Student Aid Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) 2021 temporary flexibilities for employers - funded 75% up to the minimum hourly wage (normally up to 50%) - part-time placements may be offered - placements can continue to February 26, 2022 The Canada Summer Jobs call for applications for the 2021 season closed on February 3, 2021 Canada Summer Jobs - overview, applications Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)Updated - See COVID-19 Benefits - T4A Tax Slip Errors Longer-term income support for workers, delivered first through Service Canada then through CRA, to provide support to workers who were not eligible for EI and were facing unemployment or reduced hours as a result of COVID-19. This included parents with children who require care or supervision due to school closures, and weren't able to earn employment income. CERB benefits are taxable. The amount received will be reported as income when your 2020 tax return is filed. No withholding tax is being deducted from CERB payments, so make sure you have the funds to pay the tax next April! You can use our Detailed Canadian Tax and RRSP Savings Calculator to estimate how much tax you will owe. Since it is expected that, like EI benefits, the CERB will not be pensionable (for CPP) or insurable (for EI) income, the amount of your CERB benefits should be entered as "other income" in the calculator. Note that this benefit and CESB, CRB, CRSB and CRCB, are not classified as employment income, so are not eligible for the exemption when calculating GIS benefit amounts. Applications can be filed online (see below link), in My Account or, if you do not have online access, by using the dedicated phone line 1-833-966-2099 (see Calls To CRA). Payments should be sent about 10 days later. Applications must be filed by December 2, 2020. See Additional T4 Reporting for 2020 - in order to help validate payments under the CERB. CERB OverpaymentsMany people have received letters from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) indicating that their eligibility for CERB could not be confirmed, and indicating they may have to pay back the CERB they received.
CERB Class Action Lawsuit re Net vs. Gross Income IssueOn February 1, 2021 a proposed class action proceeding was filed in the Federal Court (Ryan vs. Attorney General of Canada, T-195-21). See the Video Tax News article CERB - Class Action Lawsuit Regarding Net vs. Gross Income Requirement. CERB Repayments
Video Tax News: COVID-19 Benefits - Interest and Repayment Relief Government of Canada to Reimburse Self-Employed Workers Who Repaid the CERBOn May 27, 2021 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) issued a news release to announce that self-employed workers who applied for the CERB and subsequently repaid all or part of the CERB can request a reimbursement of their payments from CRA if they meet all of the following criteria:
These workers can apply for the refund by completing CRA's Form T180 CERB Reimbursement Application for Self-Employed Individuals form and submitting it to CRA, either electronically or by mail. Previous / Out of Date Information re CERB RepaymentsIf you've received CERB when you should not have, if you repay by Dec 31, 2020, the amount you repay will not be included in your 2020 income for tax purposes. See CRA's article CERB - Return or repay a payment. Some tax people are advising that the 2019 tax return could be revised to reduce or not claim self-employment expenses, in order to "become eligible". However, as noted above, the CERB Act does not say that income is net income as per the Income Tax Act. For more on this topic, see the article in the Financial Post by retired CPA Allan Lanthier: Five reasons CRA should give up its CERB fight over the meaning of 'income'. June 16 2020 Update: It was announced that the CERB would be extended by 8 weeks, making it available to eligible workers for up to a total of 24 weeks. The CERB attestation will be modified to encourage Canadians receiving the benefit to find employment and consult Job Bank, Canada's national employment service which offers tools to help with job searches. CERB EligibilityCERB was available to workers who:
See below re penalties for fraudulent claims, and information on workers being ineligible for certain reasons. And, don't forget that CERB is taxable, but no tax is being deducted! June 8 & 11 2020 Update: The Globe and Mail obtained a draft bill that had not yet been introduced in Parliament. Bill C-17 was subsequently tabled in the House of Commons on June 11, 2020. However, Bill C-17 did not pass and was replaced with Bill C-20. The new Bill C-20 excludes the CERB penalty provisions. See Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and Questions and Answers on the Canada Emergency Response Benefit Video Tax News information on the latest CERB FAQ updates - of interest to self-employed small business owners and others. These measures are in the Canada Emergency Response Benefit Act. See the Video Tax News information and 13 minute video on this topic at Canada Emergency Response Benefit Applications Now Open! Important Details. Can employees refuse to return to work now they're earning more on CERB? by Howard Levitt, employment & labour lawyer. Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)These 3 benefits replace the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, which provided benefits up to September 26, 2020. A July 30, 2021 news release announced the extension of these benefits to October 23, 2021, and an increase in the number of weeks available under the CRB. Bill C-4 received Royal Assent October 2, 2020. Benefits effective September 27, 2020, for eligible individuals aged 15+: - Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) for up to 54 weeks as per the Jul 30/21 proposal, for workers who are self-employed or not eligible for EI and still require income support. Income must have dropped by at leased 50%, workers must be available and looking for work, and accept work where reasonable to do so. See CRA's Canada Recovery Benefit for more information, including how to apply. The CRB has now ended, but applications will be accepted until December 22, 2021. - CRB Repayments/Clawback: Recipients of CRB will have to repay CRB benefits for 2020 or 2021 at the rate of 50 cents for every dollar of income earned in that year over $38,000, up to the total amount of CRB received in the year. This clawback is calculated by both of the Detailed Canadian Tax & RRSP Savings Calculators. As per s. 8(3) of the Canada Recovery Benefits Act, income for the CRB Clawback is net income included on line 23600 of the tax return, but excluding:
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) of $500 per week for up to 4 weeks (as per Feb 19/21 announcement), for workers who are sick or must self-isolate for reasons related to COVID-19. New: Extension of CRSB until May 7, 2022, and maximum duration increased from 4 to 6 weeks. See CRA's Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit for more information, including how to apply. - Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) of $500 per week for up to 42 weeks per household, as per the Jul 30/21 proposal, for eligible Canadians unable to work because they must care for a child under 12 or family member because schools, day-cares or care facilities are closed due to COVID-19 or because the child or family member is sick and/or required to quarantine. New: Extension of CRCB until May 7, 2022, and maximum duration increased from 42 to 44 weeks. See CRA's Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit for more information, including how to apply. Note that the above benefits and CERB and CESB, are not classified as employment income, so are not eligible for the exemption when calculating GIS benefit amounts. The new benefits are administered by CRA. The February 19, 2021 proposal also increases the number of weeks of EI regular benefits available by up to 24 weeks to a maximum of 50 weeks, for claims made between September 27, 2020 and September 25, 2021. The EI premium rate will be frozen for two years, to the end of 2022. 2020 COVID Benefits Repaid in 2021 - Reporting on Your 2020 Tax ReturnIf you repaid in 2021 COVID-19 benefits that you received in 2020, you can deduct the repayment on your 2020 tax return:
If you've already filed your 2020 tax return, or if you make a 2021 repayment of 2020 benefits later, you can request an adjustment to your 2020 tax return. CRA has indicated they will not process adjustment requests until the proposed legislation receives Royal Assent. See the Federal 2021 Budget for details of which benefits are affected. Thanks to Video Tax News for keeping us up to date on this. Resources:Video Tax News October Life in the Tax Lane Special Video Tax News Report from Hugh Nielson re CERB Transition to EI - Details! Backgrounder - Increased Access to EI and Recovery Benefits COVID-19 Benefits - T4A Tax Slip ErrorsProblems:
In all these cases, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) should be contacted as soon as possible. You should still file your return by the deadline, and file using data that according to your records are the correct amounts. See: Video Tax News Updated guidance on T4A slips CRA: Questions about your T4A? Here's what you need to know Financial Institutions COVID-19 Support for IndividualsContact your financial institution to enquire about up to a 6-month payment deferral for mortgages, and possible relief on other credit products. Check your online banking, as some options may be available online, such as skipping a mortgage payment (which may be available only certain hours of the day). Check your financial institution's website to see if they have an online booking tool to schedule a time to speak with them, or online applications for support. Business Financial Supports- The Bank of Canada has reduced the target for the overnight rate three times in March. The rate has been reduced to 0.25% in that time, from 1.75%, where it had been since October 24, 2018. - Financial institutions will assess the needs of small business banking customers on a case-by-case basis. Contact your advisor at your bank. March 27 news release Additional Support for Canadian Businesses Business Resilience Service HotlineLaunched May 25, 2020 for 4 weeks - news release. This is a national, bilingual service operated by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. 125 Chartered Professional Accountants (CPAs) are available to provide customized financial guidance to the smallest business owners in the most urgent need and help them through this crisis. Call 1-866-989-1089 (toll-free), 7 days/week from 8 am to 8 pm ET, for 4 weeks Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF)- to provide bridge financing to Canada's largest employers. May 11, 2020 Announcement by Prime Minister Trudeau Video Tax News - Large Employer Financing Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)- Announced May 13, 2020 to provide nearly $962 million to help "regional economies and small and medium businesses" that may require additional help to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, but have been unable to access existing support measures. The relief will be provided through Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). Government of Canada - Regional Relief and Recovery Fund Phone Calls To & From Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)Service Complaints and Compliments / KudosWhen you have any dealings with CRA, you may submit complaints regarding your experience, and you can also submit compliments, or kudos, regarding a positive experience or a particular agent. This is done through the CRA Submit service feedback page. Calls From CRACRA may call you in regard to a subsidy claim - they have already started doing this, in order to speed up claims processing. However, it's important to determine that the call is not a scam. Document any call you receive - caller ID on your phone display, and any information asked for or given by the agent. Also document the responses you provide. CRA may call regarding a subsidy claim if your payroll has had a big increase, direct deposit information has changed, or other changes that generate questions for them. Ask them why the call is being made. Get their name and agent identification number - they are required to provide the ID number when requested. Ask them some questions to confirm that they already know details about your account that CRA should know. The agent should already be familiar with the details of your subsidy claim, and should be able to relate this to you - amount, when submitted, etc. They may ask you for information to verify your identity, such as your name, date of birth, address, business account number, or the last 3 digits of your social insurance number - NEVER provide your full social insurance number. Someone trying to impersonate a CRA agent may ask for a bank account number, or ask for payment, personal credit information. They may be aggressive, say they will get the police involved, or demand immediate payment. A CRA agent will never do this. See What to expect when CRA contacts you for more information. Calls To CRAThe telephone number for calls about CERB or CEWS is 1-833-966-2099. Their hours are 9 am to 9 pm local time. High call volumes means you can expect long wait times. Make sure you document - the date and time of your call, - the ID number of the agent who takes your call, - their answers to your questions. If you are unclear on their answer, ask them to repeat it, or to explain it in a different way. A response given by an agent may be correct at the time, or correct according to a CRA interpretation at the time, but then at a later date the interpretation or legislation may change, causing the earlier response to be incorrect. They are doing their best to administer relief benefits that were put together in record time, so questions and incorrect interpretations are inevitable. Hopefully all the details will eventually be sorted out. COVID-19 General Resource LinksNon-Government ResourcesBaker Tilly Canada: Business planning after the pandemic The Tax Chick Blog - CEWS, CERB, CESB, CEBA - You know the audits are coming, but are you ready? Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) - resources for businesses RSM Canada COVID-19 and your business Quickbooks Canada: Credits available for small business owners, list of benefits by province. Government of CanadaParliamentary Budget Office COVID-19 Analysis Provincial/Territorial COVID-19 Supports and InformationAlberta COVID-19 Information and Support British Columbia COVID-19 Information and Support Manitoba COVID-19 Information and Support Newfoundland & Labrador COVID-19 Information and Support Northwest Territories COVID-19 Information and Support Nova Scotia COVID-19 Information and Support Nunavut COVID-19 Information and Support Ontario COVID-19 Information and Support - Ontario COVID-19 Action Plan March 25, 2020 Prince Edward Island COVID-19 Information and Support Quebec COVID-19 Information and Support Saskatchewan COVID-19 Information and Support Yukon COVID-19 Information and Support
Revised: March 25, 2025
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