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Canadian Government Benefits
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Home  ->  Financial Planning  ->  Government Benefits - Canada

Canadian Federal Government Benefits, Programs and Services

Government of Canada

Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs - learn your rights as a consumer, and how to protect yourself.

Congratulatory Messages - request congratulatory messages from the Prime Minister's office for wedding anniversaries, birthdays and special events.  Use this link also for sending messages to the Prime Minister, subscribing to email updates, or following the PM on social networks.

Congratulatory Messages from other sources:

Governor General

Members of Parliament

Anniversary Messages - Anniversaries Offices at Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom

See the Government Benefits page for your province for congratulatory messages from your Premier.

Veterans Affairs Canada Services and Benefits - services and benefits for qualified veterans, Canadian Forces members, serving and discharged members of the RCMP, certain civilians, and their families.

Canada Benefits - connecting you to federal and provincial/territorial government benefit programs.

View and print your CPP Statement of Contributions Online.

Canada Gazette - Canada's official newspaper, gives you an opportunity to have a say in all regulations proposed in Canada.

Climate Action Incentive (CAI) Refundable Tax Credit

Funding programs for jobs, training and social development projects

Job Bank - Canada's national employment service which offers tools to help with job searches


Vehicle and Equipment Financing Partnership - Budget 2010 announced the creation of the Vehicle and Equipment Financing Partnership  as part of the BCAP, in order to expand financing options for small and medium-sized finance and leasing companies, increasing the availability of credit at market rates for dealers and users of vehicles and equipment.

Federal and Provincial Funding, Grants and Incentives

Accelerated capital cost allowance (CCA) is available for various types of capital projects, including those for clean energy generation.  The CCA rate for computer equipment is 100% for equipment purchased in 2009 and 2010.


Federal Home Buyer's Plan (HBP) - borrow from your RRSPs to help build a home.

First-time Home Buyer's tax credit

GST rebate for new housing purchases and substantial renovations.

Natural Resources Canada - Energy Star rebates

CMHC: Renting or buying. Which option is right for you?

Canadian Dental Care Plan

Canada Dental Benefit - Ends June 30, 2024.  This is an interim benefit for eligible families earning less than $90,000, for dental care for a child under 12 years old who does not have access to a private dental insurance plan, and for whom the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) was received. Applications are open until Sunday, June 30,2024 for dental care received between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) - being introduced in phases for Canadian resident taxpayers with family net income of less than $90,000 who do not have access to dental insurance:

bulletSeniors aged 65 and above - started in December 2023
bulletAdults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate - starting June 27, 2024
bulletChildren under the age of 18 - starting June 27, 2024
bulletAll remaining eligible Canadian residents - starting 2025

Health Canada is collaborating with provinces and territories regarding their public dental programs. See Coordination of benefits on the website, which provides information for dental care providers from each province and territory.

Children and Families

Child and family benefits provided by federal and provincial/territorial governments, including Canada Child Benefit (CCB) and Child Disability Benefit (CDB)

Persons with Disabilities

Federal excise gasoline tax refund program for the disabled.

Veterans Affairs Disability Benefits

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - Topics for persons with disabilities

Government of Canada - Disability Benefits

Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit

See also - links to all information on related to persons with disabilities.


Relevant Services and Resources to the National Seniors Council - Federal/Provincial/Territorial - including benefits finder and more.

Changes to Your Taxes When You Turn 65 - Canada Revenue Agency

Income Security Programs - Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance, Allowance for Survivor, Canada Pension Plan.  See also our Seniors page for articles about these programs.

Canadian Retirement Income Calculator

CPP Statement of Contributions - online or by mail

Apply online for your CPP retirement pension.

Application form for Old Age Security - can be filled in online, printed and mailed.

CMHC Senior Housing

Veterans Affairs Canada Services and Benefits - services and benefits for qualified veterans, Canadian Forces members, serving and discharged members of the RCMP, certain civilians, and their families.


Youth and Student Job Training

Canada Benefits Finder - information for students - Use this tool to find financial aid, bursary and scholarship and other information for students.

Apprenticeship Grants are available to eligible apprentices, and can be used to pay for tuition, travel, tools, or other expenses.

Revised: March 26, 2025


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