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Home  -> Statistics and Historical Data

Statistics and Historical Data

Money Supply

Can the Government of Canada print money and spend it?  Yes!  Includes information on how the Bank of Canada works, and the Canadian money supply.

Canadian Interest Rates and Inflation

Bank of Canada interest rates and inflation - The Bank of Canada sets interest rates in order to try to keep inflation at 2%.

Government Debt

Government of Canada Debt - The Canadian debt numbers can be confusing, because several different numbers are reported.

BC Provincial Debt, GDP and Population 1997 to 2016 - includes debt to GDP ratios and debt per capita (person).

Debt per person in selected countries

Investments - Historical Returns

What investments provide the best return over time?  - Historical investment returns on stocks, bonds, and t-bills for 1 year, 5 years, 20 years and more.

Personal Income Tax

Federal personal income tax breakdown.

North American Oil

North American Oil - Points to Ponder on Alberta-BC Trade Dispute

bullet Taxation of pipelines, land and property.
bullet Cost of oil spill cleanups.
bullet Who is liable for oil spills in Canada?
bullet Why do we export oil out of North America?
bullet Federal and provincial rights under the Canadian Constitution Act.
bullet Oil refining in Canada.

Revised: October 29, 2024


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